These were the programs for yesterday's morning ceremony:
1. When the Adrian (the groom) and his mates (we call them the heng dai) arrive, each and every one of them was given a banana for breakfast, not just ANY banana, but one that is laced with wasabi (whipped cream was used as a camouflage). Adrian was only allowed to exit his car until everyone has eaten their portion.
2. At the front door, a nice cold bucket of ice water awaited them; Adrian was required to answer 5 questions concerning April (the bride) correctly, else he and his heng dais were required to chew on some chewing gums for each wrong answer while having their feet soaked into the ice water, while the ji muis happily filled the bucket with more ice. They were not allowed out of the bucket until all 5 questions are correctly answered.
3. The last test is held in front of April's room. Adrian was required to sing the April's favourite song, then say 'I Love You' in 7 languages. It must be heard by the April behind the locked door and she must accept all this before the last door is allowed to be opened. Of course, the groom must also pay $$$ to the ji muis as price to open the door. This must be fairly negotiated! The figure will normally be a long string 9's to represent longetivity of the marriage; "long 9s" in cantonese = for eternity.
At last, the door was opened, and there was a ring exchange, photo session, and a tea serving ceremony to the parents and relatives of April. At the end of the session, the couple is ushered to the car under a red umbrella then everyone proceeded to Adrian's house for the next tea serving ceremony to his family members.
As for the ji muis, with mission accomplished, they all went home after lunch to get some rest and to make themselves pretty again for the wedding reception at night! ;)

Some of the ji muis with the bride at the wedding reception
The rest of the photos can be found in Yee Ling's online photo album.
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