My new blog: For those who came here for the cake pop class, I've created a new blog with updates on classes and photos over at guiri in the kitchen

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Butterflies, Tigers & Leopards

Aaaaawwwwww, soooooooooooo CUTEEEEEEE!!! All I wanted to do was just to pinch their cute little cheeks, but of course, that was not allowed coz they had paint all over their face! Today's the end of Term 4 party for year 2006. For the past 2 weeks we have been training the children to dance to the song "I just can't wait to be king" from Lion King. And with the Jungle theme, the girls were turned into pretty butterflies while the boys into tigers and leopards! The teachers arrived early to decorate the restaurant, and the children started arriving about 10am to get dressed and have their face painted (I did the tigers!!!) very cool ;) I guess the face paint were really uncomfortable, as after 15 mins or so, some of them already tried to wipe them off... he he he..

The party was a huge success, although we had some of them running back to their mummies and daddies during the dance, and as usual, some cry babies too. But everyone had such great fun! The daddies were given hand-painted ties to wear, and mummies were given photo frames. All hand-made by the children (ehem...with help from the teachers of course).

I got home realising that I had also some face paint on the back of my shirt. Looks like the kids also tried to rub them off on me! :P Probably as a revenge!

*updated 30 Nov 2006


Pramudya Widita Isfandiari said...

your job sounds like F.U.U.U.N.N.N!!!!

do you get all the stress-of-my-job kinda stuff???

Federico said...

Hola Si-Theng!Muchas gracias por tu comentario,entonces vamos a hablar un poco a traves del web, que bien,no?Hasta pronto,un abrazo

Siron Pereira said...

im reading your blog and im just brought back to my kindergarden days la.

Unknown said...

They are so cute sitheng.. and i can see that you are enjoying everyday of your work .. with the crowd of naughty lovable kiddies =)

btw, soooo happy to receive your invitation.. but unfortunately i won't be able to attend.. haha cos my sister is getting married on 26/10/07..which is about a week after yours!!
keep in touch ma cherie.

oops.. just realise i should write in french! okok.. la fois prochaine

tu me manques, muah