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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Allez Les Bleus!!!

More football matches for me. Apa nak buat, Malaysia tak jadi masuk World Cup 2006, but France jadi mah. While I am here, gotta give a bit of support lah. Plus, if they win, also means lots of party party here...hehehe.... everyone was crazy yesterday when Zidane scored the but. Unfortunately, Carolina (espagnole) and Paula (brezilienne) were both supporting Portugal and were really disappointed. U faham, I faham lah........

Next match: France vs. Italy (Lo siento Federico, me quedo con la Francia!!!)


Anonymous said...

Que no vayas a quedarte con les blues!! :-) Aquì en Italia somos mas guapos, simpaticos, cantamos y comemos mas.Vamos a ver este partido final,si Italia gana la Copa te envio unas fotos de la gente en las calles de la ciudad,hasta pronto

Siron Pereira said...

Gosh, the politics, the parties! wat happened to the fun of hte game. ,muahaha.... well, i guess that IS the fun of the game huh? hehe... cant wait to catch ya when u come back sitheng....!