My new blog: For those who came here for the cake pop class, I've created a new blog with updates on classes and photos over at guiri in the kitchen

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Call me Goldie

My mom and brother just branded me as a goldfish. Well, with a memory of a goldfish was more like it. Sí, es verdad....tengo memoria de una pezecita. Every few seconds or so, they have to repeat what they have said to me - they can't blame me. I've just got too much on my mind! The grey sponge is no longer able to suck up any more information fed to it, without having to gag on what's already in there.

Having just moved to a new home less than a week ago (my room's still a complete mess!), I had to get my visa done (thank god it took no more than 3 days), as well as my air tickets (off I go on the 25th!!!), and hostel bookings in Paris. Having limited access to Internet for the moment is not helping either. Thanks to, I didn't have much trouble finding a place to stay in Paris. *phew* And Anette, she's such a darling for letting me stay at her place in Sevilla :D. Also got my airport transfer from Heathrow to Stansted done online too at National Express website. Next I gotta have my train booked from Paris to Toulouse from SNCF. Arrgghh...time's just too short.

Shucks....I have NOT even written to my host mom in Toulouse yet.

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