Extra orders for those not into steamboat and for the x-tra hungry ones
Just like the stuffs you see in pasar malam - only difference is
we get to choose what goes on the truck
Birthday cuppies for my cuz complete with yoga poses :)
Extra orders for those not into steamboat and for the x-tra hungry ones
Just like the stuffs you see in pasar malam - only difference is
we get to choose what goes on the truck
Birthday cuppies for my cuz complete with yoga poses :)
Once you start you can't stop - I meant the process of course ;)
Thanks Bakerella!
Fresh from the oven, smells good!
Adding butter cream cheese frosting, a little at a time
White chocolate coated ghost cake pops
Our first attempt at cake pops - successful!
Cake pops for Lyne to bring home
I think we spent close to 5 hours (including waiting & lunch time) to complete about 14 cake pops. Yes, I know its pretty slow, but this was an experimental session, and so we made a lot of mistakes and that took up some of our time. But we learnt a lot of valuable techniques, definitely. The next time it won't take so long!
What do you do with a mummy so cute? Eat it of course!
Lyne didn't want to take too many home, and it was impossible for me to eat 10 of them! Plus I didn't know how long these babies would last. So I gave them all to my neighbour's kids who were just two doors away and happened to be playing outside at that moment :)
The last 2 cake pops - for my breakfast tomorrow!
I still have some cakes in the fridge, waiting for me to decorate them. I'll try to mix some orange colour tomorrow and see if I could make pumpkins out of them. Here's the recipe to the butter cream cheese frosting:
Deda helping Nikki to make her tassel
Our very first tassel! (Mine's not trimmed yet)
Arte Flamenco students @ Indulgence, Tropicana City Mall
Mini wedding cake decorating class @ ICCA
A small sampling of my miniature bottles/samples collections
Lyne showing off her pair of RM3 gloves, you'll need them!
Lyne being fitted with a set of safety harness
After that we were taken to the Initiation/Jump Start circuit. Here we were all given a briefing on how to use the carabiner, pulley and all the do's and don'ts in the circuit. Everyone was required to try out their simple trail and get used to hooking the carabiner and pulleys on the cables. It's VERY important to have at least one carabiner hooked at any one point in time, so that if you do fall, there's something to hold on to you! Safety first!
Our instructor demonstrating the ways to use the carabiner
In only less than 5 minutes, we completed the trial circuit. And now for the real thing! The first challenge was to climb this flight of ladder. Trust me it's tiring! I was already panting eventhough I was only halfway up. Serves me right for not having a heavy breakfast before I came (as recommended by Ben). Only had 2 pieces of digestive biscuits and a glass of milk. Yikes! Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go straight to the Extreme Challenge before first trying the Big Thrill *sweat*.
There were about 4-5 of ladders of this height throughout the circuit
Immediately after climbing this ladder we were to do a Flying Fox (FF). Indeed it was very scary. Not only would this be the longest of the whole track, it was also very very high (there are higher ones later, but much shorter distance). But later I wished that they had more FF along the way (as a mean to skip some of the challenges). The whole thing was getting very tiring (especially since I didn't have a proper breakfast) and dragged too long. Partially because we were held back by "traffic jams" created by the earlier groups. Only a maximum of 3 persons is allowed on each platform and a maximum of 1 person on each challenge at any one time.
Some of the challenges that you can expect to see at the Skytrex Extreme Challenge
Basically I completed the whole course without chickening out at their 'Ayam Exit', with an exception of the monkey bar which was at the beginning of the circuit. I knew I didn't have enough upper body strength nor did I want to exhaust myself completely when I still had 80% of the challenges waiting for me! So I kinda cheated and did the FF instead.
Me on the flying fox (photo courtesy of Darry Lum)
Also at the very end I had to be "rescued". That particular challenge was extremely difficult, and without a proper upper body strength and technique it was difficult to get through. We can choose to skip this with a FF, but I decided to give it a try. I only managed to cross about 75% of this particular part before having one of the guys on the platform pull me up because I was taking too long and was simply too hungry... ermm... I mean too tired to continue :P (food...I need food!!)
My rescue at the last leg of the circuit
It was a great sense of achievement having completed the whole thing. Really, I mean it. Never mind about the pain that follows the very next day. I enjoyed every moment of it, and wouldn't mind doing it again. In fact, Ben said he is planning another one in October! Yep, I'm going again!
Look! It's not that scary after all - I can still laugh right?
(photo courtesy of Darry Lum)
Airport Shuttle service price list
"Which one should I eat first???"
Different types of puppets that can be found at the market
More Prague updates soon - our Hostel, the Marionnete show and the Ultimate Prague Tour